Sunday, August 24, 2014

Las Vegas. Reno.

I made it!  Such love and support I've never felt before.  Friends, family, blog readers.  Everyone has been rallying behind me and it gave me the strength to persevere through the hard time.  Through the time I wanted to turn around.  Through the time I thought "this is folly".  You guys gave me the strength when mine was failing, and I am overcome with joy and hope and pride.  2150 miles is a long way and takes a long time and requires a lot of gumption to do it all alone (yes the kitties were there but they couldn't take a turn at the wheel and that would have been very nice today)...

And I made it.  I'm here and about to for real launch my new journey!

The beauty is there. Sometimes you have to look real deep to find it and sometimes it's sitting right there In front of you...but it's there. 


  1. I am enormously proud of you my pretend friend!!! WOW. That's got to feel great ! Happy new home new chapter

  2. I'm just catching up with all the wonderful traveling selfies and the kitties in tow.

    Whoo hoo!
