Thursday, April 5, 2012


Sorry I've been away so long...I did what I promised myself I wouldn't do and that is let work and stress take over a little bit.  I've had a couple of great weekends (parents visit and then visit with our friends in Mobile) and I hope to have a nice relaxing weekend coming up.  Hopefully that'll get me back on track.

In my last post I talked about randomness and how I really like designing and doing things through random numbers.  I also talked about the trip that David and I will be going on in July and how we were using random numbers to choose our trip from among all the ones that we'd like to go on this year. 

Well, the number was chosen.  We drew #3 which was Orange Beach, but earlier in the week we had gone through all our trips and picked the ones that we were no longer interested in going so #3 had been reassigned to #77...which means we are going here!

This picture was taken in 2008 when David and I went to Murren, Switzerland.  We are staying at this hotel again for 5 days and will be staying someplace else for 2 we just haven't decided yet.  Flights have been purchased.  It's very exciting.

Not much in the crafting news.  I'm not working on much in the evenings because in order to get ready to go to the mountains, one needs to be able to walk around for long distances and be in better shape than I am currently, so I'm walking in the evenings (as well as taking the stairs outside my office 3 times a day).  I'll be weaving this weekend, but I have been working on the blue sweater, which is very pretty.  Maybe I'll have a picture of it up soon.

And of course, in the next 86 days until we leave I have to figure out what I'll be doing on the long flight and in downtimes at the hotel.  This will be a major thought process...

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