Monday, June 9, 2014

A platform 3 miles high...

...that's what I just stepped off of, or at least it feels like it.  I sure hope I can fly because if not...oh dear.

Anyway, I resigned from my professional position today because I want to work in the textile industry and make a go of being an artist.  It scares me to death but has become increasingly evident that I'm only going to be happy if I take this path and make the most of it.

Wish me luck!

Today's picture is of an eye glasses case I made this weekend.  It needed to be just a tad longer, but it'll do.  I'll probably be writing up the pattern soon after I make another couple and get things "perfected."  But what a great way to protect your glasses AND show off a cute button.

1 comment:

  1. You are crocheting and knitting like a nut! I can't believe how much you have gotten done since my last visit while I linger over a sock .. or two.

    I wish you all the luck chasing your dreams Leslie! Much happiness and success to you.
