Monday, July 16, 2012

A Lovely Lazy Weekend

This weekend, I was perfectly and necessarily lazy.  I never left the house, only put on real clothes because the kids were coming over for dinner last night, and just enjoyed doing nothing that I didn't have to do.

Well, sort of...I did HAVE to do one thing that was kind of hard...and something that I've been avoiding for a few weeks...and something that, well, stinks.

I had to cut a project from the loom.  While I was doing so, I was thinking of the superiority of knitting to weaving in this one aspect:  I ruined a lot of yarn by having to cut this project out.  When you decide you aren't liking a knitting project, starting over is a matter of frogging...or ripping out your stitches. It's a heck of a lot faster than the actual knitting, and the yarn is (most of the time) usable for another project.  However in weaving, that isn't the case.  If I have to cut something unfinished from the loom it creates a bit panic in me because I know that I've wasted all that yarn and there isn't a darn thing I can do about it (trust me I've tried to figure something out and none of it is worth the time it would take to fix).

But, the project on the loom just wasn't working for me.  I didn't like the weaving of it.  What was ingenious in theory was a pain in actuality and no fun to weave.  So, I was making up all kinds of excuses to avoid going in there...mostly I was tired...which was partially true, but can only be true for so long and then becomes an excuse and then an avoidance strategy (wait, did I just yawn, I'd better not go weave!  OH...did you see that, I stretched.  Surely that means my muscles are tired...I'd better not go weave!).

As more and more yarns pile up on my work table, and I continue to avoid the plagued project, I had a hard talk with myself and decided that I needed to cut it off.  Still I balked...maybe I'd get interested in it again.  After sitting all day on Friday and knitting (not that I'm complaining, I made GREAT progress on some socks!), I decided that Saturday morning I would get up and cut that project from the loom...and I did.  And I threw away all that yarn and the part that I'd woven and moved on...

I have a lovely turquoise scarf now in the loom (the yarn from the jacket that won't get woven).  It is ready to weave and I'm very excited.

Today's picture is of some "placemats" that I made as part of the great yellow elephant from the quilt bee.  These I called "chocolate covered bananas" and went to my mother.  The bamboo yarn shrunk a good bit more than anticipated and ended up with a very soft and very small placemat.  Mom is using them as towels in her newly refurbished bathroom and swears by them.

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